Understanding the test
The maternal lineage test looks at a particular type of DNA – mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA tends to have a very low mutation rate as it is passed down from one generation to another. Therefore, the mitochondrial DNA found in the mother will tend to be very similar to that found in her children, leading to a process whereby the same DNA will be passed on for several thousands of generations.
As a result, genetic research has discovered that there are large groups of people, called haplogroups, that have the same genetic profile in their mitochondrial DNA. Combining science with history, an association has been established between these particular groups and the various areas of the globe they have settled in throughout the course of history.
Click here to read A Beginner’s Guide to DNA Ancestry Testing which compares the different types of ancestry DNA tests we offer.

To see a list of possible maternal haplogroups, and their descriptions, visit our mtDNA haplogroup page.
As a result, genetic research has discovered that there are large groups of people, called haplogroups, that have the same genetic profile in their mitochondrial DNA. Combining science with history, an association has been established between these particular groups and the various areas of the globe they have settled in throughout the course of history.
To see a list of possible maternal haplogroups, and their descriptions, visit our mtDNA haplogroup page.
What makes mitochondrial DNA special?
There are three possible areas in our mtDNA that can be tested:
- HVRI : Testing this region is usually sufficient to determine a person’s haplogroup.
- HVRII and HVRIII : Testing these two regions can provide more detail if HVSI testing is not sufficient to determine affinity to a haplogroup; it could also further refine a haplogroup into sub-groups, also called sub-clades.
For just R2650 your test will cover all three of the above regions, giving you the best coverage of genetic markers for the highest resolution in finding your haplogroup. Results will be available by email in 4-5 weeks from the receipt of the samples at the laboratory.
We suggest you return samples by courier directly to the laboratory because the local postal system has proved unreliable and we cannot be responsible for samples that do not reach us.
As a special pacakage, we are offering a Dual Lineage Test (maternal and paternal) for the special price of R3650. Please note the duo lineage test is only available for male test participants.
View a copy of the maternal lineage certificate HERE.
What do you get when you order a Maternal Lineage Test?
- Your haplogroup designation and a haplogroup description page;
- A personalised map depicting your ancestors’ journey and where they initially settled in the ancient world;
- Your mtDNA raw data, listing the differences between your sequence and that of the revised Cambridge Reference Sequence;
- Facts about your haplogroup, including which parts of the world you can find your “genetic cousins” and famous people who share the same haplogroup as you do.